The Misadventures of A Book Club

     While seemingly a good idea, creating and managing a book club proved to be as difficult as opening a can of pâté with a broken can-opener. Why, one would ask and I would not be able to give him a specific answer but more of an outline of the pâté. And what a pâté it would be!
      But comparing a book club to food is just not right, unless we include all the existing dishes and that would be pretty much waste of time, because I’m not knowledgeable in both fields and could end up comparing a star fruit to 50 Shades of Grey. But comparison is not really important and metaphors get really useless when you have a book club. Books are serious *stuff*, no kidding! So I wanted to share the joyful story of how we decided to have a book club. 

~One rainy night after a difficult exam~ 

      It’s 4am. 10 students sit in a small and dark apartment, due to the fact that the bulb in the room blew up a few hours ago but fortunately two candles and one flash-light were enough to see the remaining bottles of beer. Furthermore the candles immensely helped in locating the last package of chips. After drinking some litters of some number of bottles of some kinds of alcohol, the students decided that it is time for Shakespeare.

Travelling to Aarhus, Denmark

After the long winter we decided it is time to have a shot trip to Aarhus, the biggest city in near vicinity if we don't count our Aalborg. So we took the morning train and arrived at rainy Aarhus around 9am. You know, rainy, as in ~ in Denmark the only seasons are "rain" and "wind" ~. But it was nice.
   As a Bulgarian, it really stroke me when I saw the city. The hell with it, it looked like Plovdiv. I felt like home. And a little bit sad, because I was not at home and I didn't want it to feel like home or look like home, or to has anything to do with home. As a traveller I really wanted to enjoy the new and different culture but so far, my travels within Denmark and Europe in general make me think that the whole continent is just one big huge "village" and all countries are pretty much the same people with the only difference being their salaries. But then again, people are all the same, no matter where in the world they live.
     So, me and my huge international family too the decision to visit as much as possible in Aarhus but failed to do so miserably. We needed the whole day just to visit ARoS and the Old Town. I'm really sad we couldn't visit all the museums, but alas, when you have a group of 10 people, you can't fit 5 museums and 3 parks into the picture :D.
    First stop - ARoS - Aarhus Art Museum. A huge modern building filled with art. And some art it was! When we arrived there, the first thing that greeted us was a line for tickets going across the ground floor. 10 minutes of waiting and 90DKK (student price by 22.2.14) later we were on the first floor greeted by an even longer waiting line of a special exhibition that we never visited as sadly we had no time to loose in waiting in line. So we went straight to the Rainbow Panorama. Never heard of Rainbow Panorama?'s a's rainbow-coloured....and it's awesome!

Записките на Злия Лорд XVI - Задругата на побърканите II

   Аз съм СТРАХ! Аз съм МРАК! Аз съм ЗЛО! И аз съм заточен на проклета пясъчна планета. От вода, та в пустиня.
   Да кажа, че в момента мразех всичко и всички си е чиста лъжа. Аз си ги мразех по принцип. А в конкретния момент, единственото, което щеше да ме накара да се почувствам по-добре беше да взривя някоя планета, най-малкото. И проклетникът да беше на нея, най-малко. Някакъв глас в мен упорито отказваше да приеме, че някой се е осмелил да ме заточи на планета. Стигаха ми проклетите старци, човешката жена и идиотите ми подчинени, но сега трябваше да търпя и това конте да ми заповядва.
   Просто един от онези дни, а?
   Отегчено пресмятах колко време би ми отнело на пустинна планета да открия формата на живот, която уж я обитаваше и да я покоря. И както и да го смятах, щеше да отнеме време, примерно няколко стотици години. Давах си сметка, че хората не живеят толкова дълго. Новата ми играчка щеше да умре преди да мога да се възвърна на трона си обратно. Съмнявате се, че ще го направя ли? Кой се съмнява в чистото ЗЛО? Само пълен идиот. ЗЛОТО винаги побеждава! А аз бях истинско превъплъщение на ЗЛО! Не като някои, които седяха на трона ми сега, дано да се убоде на нещо остро и да умре. Или да заспи...завинаги. Или не, по-добре да заспи, да го сложим в криогенна камера, да го събудим и да го пуснем в космоса. Точно така, Спящата красавица – модерна трактовка през  41ви век. Впрочем, първо трябваше да махнем шиповете от проклетата спяща красавица, защото те нямаше да се поберат в криокамерата.