seemingly a good idea, creating and managing a book club proved to be as
difficult as opening a can of pâté with a broken can-opener. Why, one would ask
and I would not be able to give him a specific answer but more of an outline of
the pâté. And what a pâté it would be!
comparing a book club to food is just not right, unless we include all the
existing dishes and that would be pretty much waste of time, because I’m not
knowledgeable in both fields and could end up comparing a star fruit to 50 Shades
of Grey. But comparison is not really important and metaphors get really
useless when you have a book club. Books are serious *stuff*, no kidding! So I
wanted to share the joyful story of how we decided to have a book club.
4am. 10 students sit in a small and dark apartment, due to the fact that the
bulb in the room blew up a few hours ago but fortunately two candles and one flash-light were enough to see the remaining bottles of beer. Furthermore the
candles immensely helped in locating the last package of chips. After drinking some litters of some number of bottles of some
kinds of alcohol, the students decided that it is time for Shakespeare.