
Тop 5 shounen manga - July

Writing a publication in English once a month should be ok. ^.^~ So ...guess I would make another "top" chart but since I lack in "originality", I would just choose the top 5 manga I read this month. All shounen on top of that :P I hope this could be of some use when choosing your next manga!
Here goes nothing:

No: 5 - Code: Breaker
Meet Akimine-sensei's (the author of Samurai Deeper Kyo) current work. Not as good as SDK, but still, a catchy shounen. Some say it is similar to Death Note or Akumetsu, because it reflects on the question "is it right to kill the bad guys, or is it wrong". But I like the main protagonist - Oogami Rei. This guy knows how to burn people to ashes. Of course we should mention the cute main heroine - Sakurakouji, who's so determined to stop Oogami from killing people. Mehh... I smell a lovely love story.
But this manga is very similar to Kyo in many ways, though Oogami is quite different from Kyo - he's quiet, a cool-type of bishie, what we call - tall, dark and handsome. I've read just e few volumes of this one, but so far I like Oogami,
As for the story - I would give it a "good" mark. Around 6/10 I guess. I expected a lot more, since I love SDK, but when I started reading this...I got bored after the the 2nd volume -___-''' It needs more ecchi I guess.

No: 4 - Blood Lad
You've probably never heard of this one! So far, Blood Lad is up to the 3rd volume, but it is quite enjoyable. Here we have Staz - a pervert, otaku, oh, and a vampire with his own monster district or whatever. I guess I like Staz, because he is not the typical vampire we see in manga and (hell no!) I will not say even a word about Twilight and stuff like that. Btw, I really like Staz's teeth - a very nice representation ^.^ As for the girl in the story - Fuyumi....umm... She has boobs! I mean, how does she even walk with all that weight...uhh... -__-''' Heavy... So, yeah, Fuyumi dies and Staz vows to help her get her body back, since she became a ghost. I would not comment on what Staz wants to do with her body XD. This manga is not something amazing, but why not have a look at it when you have spare time. Yes, I give it 5/10, but I expect more of Staz's perverted behavour in the next volumes and when I see that, I would give this manga a higher rating.

No: 3 - Fairy Tail 
I must say I hate mainstream manga, but my top 3 is consisted only of mainstream stuff. I should reconsider what I've just stated. (srsly, I do hate mainstream manga, don't get fooled by this top 3 XD )
So, never heard of Fairy Tail? Then you're actually not interested in manga, because this one is in the top lists of most manga websites and charts. And I would tell you why - because it's easy to understand, a very shounen-like manga. Yes, it's very...umm..uncomplicated? How should I put this - it's made for little boys and "retards". It's like Naruto/Bleach/One piece with magic. But this one has something I like, unlike the other three mentioned - this one has Erza! At first I began reading the manga as a joke, because I had nothing better to do and I like manga with lots of chapters. Soon I got a little interested in the story and after a few hours and was completely absorbed in Fairy Tail. But not because it's something unique or anything, it's just because I like Erza as a character. Oh, and Gray, of course XD. I'm not sure what Mashima has been thinking when drawing Lucy, but he clearly wanted to make her look smart because she reads a lot of books. That certainly did not happen >>''' But anyway, she's not all that annoying. Natsu too, especially after I've seen the anime. I like his seiyuu. :) I give Fairy Tail 7/10, though it looks like One piece (But that IS Mashima's style, read Rave, stop saying he copied) and it has a typical and absolutely predictable set of characters and events. 

No: 2 - Mahou Sensei Negima! 
Negiiiiiiii! I love it! It's one of my all-time favourites! But it is only at 2nd place this month! You would probably ask why, since I've said it's my favourite manga. Yes, yes, apart from the ridiculous story of a 12-year-old boy teaching 20 girls and the fact that they all fall in love with him o.O'''(God, he's only 12...) I like this manga - it's funny, it has ecchi stuff, romantic stuff and a lot of magic. And it has Nagi (Negi's dad) o.O *drools* Let's forget about my fangirl moments! So why is Negi 2nd? Ah, yes, the manga is going to end this year, I guess the 36th volume would be the last one. The story get's too boring, too much fighting and too much "friendship"stuff. I hate "friendship stuff"! I would say no more. I give Negi 8/10. I would not give it 9, because of the recent development of the manga, but I gladly give it 8, because Nagi and Arika's love story was one of the best episodes I've ever read!

No: 1 - Air Gear
I've seen the anime. I shouldn't have! Ok, it's not all that different from the manga, it's just that you won't get the right feeling of the characters and... Wait, this is not an anime review. This is not even a review!
Air Gear...What does it make so interesting? Well...I have no idea. Seriously, I have no idea why I like this and why I read it. But I do find it interesting, refreshing maybe. I do have roller-skates, this manga reminds me of the time when I used to ride them. And I love the art - full of bishies!!! But it's a typical shounen - the main protagonist is unique, he beats the bad guys, then they beat him, but he rises again, after being emotionally broken...stuff like that. And we have hot chicks everywhere. I want to bet that at the end he is still going to choose Ringo over Kururu. Then again, I like Ringo better :D. And I totally hate Simca -____-'''' ... But anyway, let's give this over-the-top story 8/10 because it's quite an extreme manga to read. I would recommend it to all shounen fans. ^.^

This was July's shounen list. Leave a comment if you have any other suggestions for me to read ^.^V I still have some time before leaving for Japan. Bla...Bla...Bla....Till next time I write something in English.... Bla!!!

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