Hi there! It's me again. And I apparently have internet connection, but only God knows how I managed to make the settings o.O'''' I feel like some super hacker now! But anyway...
What's new in Japan? I wasted Y6000 on pots and pans T.T''' Oh, and meat, of course. Shopping here seems to be quite a problem for me. No bread, no Bulgarian sirene, no muffins (at least not cheap), no flat sausages!!! I wonder where is the so called パン屋 (pan ya) or bakery, because I can't live only on rice!!! Though it's not such a bad idea, Japanese food is tasty in general. But I want something more...common...like sandwiches and bread with butter and honey ;/ On top of that, there was no cooking oil o.O only olive oil, not very cheap one, and mirin. I have no idea how to cook with mirin T.T'''''Not yet. Living here makes me think Bulgaria was some kind of a miracle place where there was bread, cheese(sirene) and muffins in every shop o.O'''

Vegetables here look....awful o.O Honestly, it's not like our home-grown cucumbers or tomatoes. Peppers here are so small, two times smaller than the peppers we eat in Bulgaria o.O And vegetables are so expensive. Same goes for meat. A portion of 200g. is about Y600!!!! But of course here everyone shops in sales days. I bought that 200g. meat for Y300. Larger packages go up to Y1200 >>""" But since I'm alone, I don't need so much food, neither I have appetite. It's too hot to eat. Mineral water on the other hand is about Y65. for 2L. Sweet things are relatively cheap. And sweets are the thing I will miss when I go back - they're quite different in taste from the types in Europe, but they're very tasty. And my all time favourite - POCKY!!! It's not my first time eating pocky, but I've always loved it! It's already my 4th day here and I've eaten 3 packages of pocky. Though pocky is not all that cheap - around Y150 but it has several flavours including strawberry. I'm already addicted to pocky @.@!!! I was quite surprised to see some packages of Pocky with the sign of "men's"o.O Japanese never seize to amuse me :D
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