Lovely little rating system and some news

   Hi guys! And I know what your first question would be. The answer is "no" - this is "mah baby", I would never forget about it! I mean, not before I turn 22 for real... I'm getting old, I feel old, I'm already an aunt!!!
Actually, none of this has anything to do with this publication. All I wanted to say is that from now on, I'm going to write more often in English. YEY! *I wonder if that's actually good news or bad news - I mean, a lot of people would get exposed to my stupidity* I am not going to take responsibility for any mental damage you take while reading my posts. Though I would be happy ^.^~ I just want to be useful and that is the main reason I decided to write the reviews and charts - I want to help people who watch anime decide what to see/read. Or I just want to tell them how much I hate something they love :P *Twilight!!!! YEY - I'm callin' Blade!!!*
   I will keep writing in Bulgarian, I created this blog in order to write reviews in my own language, but I've been thinking - why keep the stupidity just for myself and.... whoa!
I usually write manga reviews, but anime and books are my specialities too. No films, no music, no news and probably no games. I'm not a geek, am an otaku -___-''''
   I'm not all that good with photoshop, actually I'm not even interested in being good with it *just work, work and some more editing work with it*. But... I've made our blog a little *cute/fluffy/insert correct word here* coffee-cup rating system. It's far more simple than the 1/10 ratings, right! Now, let me explain it's meaning:

 - 1 cup of coffee - No caffeine! Meaning the anime/book/manga is horrible, I hate it! Just awful!
- 2 cups of coffee - The anime is so bad that one would not simply regret watching it, but would never forgive himself for doing so. Bad!
- 3 cups of coffee - It's just "mehhh" anime. Stupid, plain, it lacks original ideas or good graphics. Just average!
- 4 cups of coffee - Oh? Not a bad anime. Not a good one either. But there is something peculiar about this one.
- 5 cups of coffee - This one should be a good anime. An interesting one! Original plot, good graphics.
-6 cups of coffee - Perfect score! Masterpiece! A "must see/read"!

   I intend to use this rating system for anything I can think of, so expect it to be used as graph/plot/music..etc. rating system.   
   But you would probably never see me rate something with 6 cups, I mean, there are no perfect things in this world. Except of myself. I meant God. Pretty much the same ^.^~
   So stay "tuned" for more of my stupidity!

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